A New Year’s Message from Sri Daya Mata: 2010

“Behind our every thought and volition is the infinite spirit of God. Seek Him, and you shall attain complete victory.

—Paramahansa Yogananda

New Year 2010

As we enter this new year, all of us in Gurudeva Paramahansa Yogananda’s ashrams send loving greetings to our spiritual family and friends around the world. We thank you from our hearts for your remembrances at Christmastime, and for the many caring ways you reach out throughout the year. Divine friendship is one of God’s greatest blessings, and we invite you to join us in extending that friendship to all by our united prayers for greater peace and harmony in the lives of His children everywhere.

This season of new beginnings brings a fresh opportunity to revitalize our noblest dreams and aspirations and to go forward with renewed faith in our potential to achieve them. It is a time to visualize strongly the positive changes we want to make in our lives and to see manifest in this world, for out of the power of thought every worthwhile accomplishment is born. The patterns we create in our mind mold our destiny and affect the lives of those around us. Let us consciously choose to think positive, loving, confidence-inspiring thoughts, that we may tune in with the infinite Source of our being, and draw out the best in ourselves and others.

Materializing our good intentions takes strong determination and consistent use of the will. Each day and each moment we are faced with a choice: to align our thoughts and actions with God, or with the delusive force of maya. Maya tempts us to repeat accustomed patterns, and to identify with our ego’s limitations. But remember that you are the soul, with boundless resources at your command. When you choose a realistic, worthy goal and energize your efforts with the dynamic power of your will, nothing can prevent you from succeeding. That was the indomitable resolve Gurudeva expressed. There was no room in his vocabulary or his consciousness for the word “can’t,” and he would encourage you also to cultivate the strength of mind to act on the resolutions you have made.

Even if circumstances or inner resistance obstruct your efforts to change, you can assert your soul’s freedom to choose what is for your highest good. You need not rely on yourself alone, for behind your human will is God’s omnipotent will, and His love is sustaining you. Put your trust in Him, who looks beyond human frailties and sees the limitless capabilities of your soul, and take to heart Gurudeva’s words: “God can do anything, and so can you, if you learn to identify yourself with His inexhaustible nature.” As you take time daily to commune with Him in the stillness beyond all thoughts and emotions, may you feel His enfolding presence and know that He is eternally, lovingly helping you.

Wishing you and your dear ones a new year filled with God’s blessings,

Sri Daya Mata

Copyright © 2009 Self‑Realization Fellowship. All rights reserved.

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