Paramahansa Yogananda on Using the Power of Initiative to Achieve Your Goals

January 16, 2024

An introduction:

As you head into a new year that is bursting with promise — receptive to its fresh potentials and enlivened sense of hope — we want to bring you Paramahansa Yogananda’s wise perspective on the secret to steadily advancing all your worthy spiritual and material goals.

In his essay “Increasing the Power of Initiative” (available in the book Man’s Eternal Quest), he writes: “Looking at the vast panorama of this world, at the crowds of humanity rushing hot-haste through their span of life, one cannot but wonder what it is all about. Where are we going? What is the motive? What is the best and surest way to reach our destination?”

Initiative, Paramahansaji says in that essay, is one of the greatest qualities of being human. And with deep understanding of the infinite potential within each soul he asks his readers: “What have you done with this divine gift? How many people really try to use their creative ability?”

We invite you to use this first Newsletter of 2024 to apply this vital soul-quality of initiative — and to truly feel divine encouragement and support in this new year, as you deepen your meditations and strive to manifest your dreams.

Believe that it is within your power to become a person of initiative, just as Paramahansaji envisioned: “…glorious as a shooting star — creating something from nothing, making the impossible possible by the great inventive power of Spirit.”

From the talks and writings of Paramahansa Yogananda:

Ask yourself this question: “Have I ever tried to do anything that nobody else has done?” That is the starting point in the application of initiative.

Initiative is the power to create…it is trying to do things in new ways, and trying to create new things. Initiative is that creative ability which is derived directly from your Creator.

Whenever you want to create something wonderful, sit quietly and go deep in meditation until you have contacted that infinite, inventive, creative Power that is within you. Try something new, but always be sure that that great creative Principle is behind anything you do; and that creative Principle will see you through.

Attune yourself to Cosmic Power, and whether you are working in a factory, or mixing with people in the business world, always affirm: “Within me is the Infinite Creative Power….I am the power of Spirit, the dynamic Source of my soul. I shall create revelations in the world of business, in the world of thought, in the world of wisdom. I and my Father are One. I can create anything I desire, even as my creative Father.”

There is a way to become great, to acquire this extraordinary power of initiative. By wisdom, by right training, and by practice of the Self-Realization [Yogoda Satsanga] teachings you can develop that power of initiative and bring it into full play.

My guru, Sri Yukteswarji, used to say, “Remember this: if you have within you that faith which is truly divine, and if there is something you desire that is not in the universe, it shall be created for you.” I had that indomitable belief in an inner strength, in the spiritual strength of my will, and I always found that some new opportunities were created to give me the things I wanted.

You must exercise your will power. If you make up your mind and go forth like a flame, every obstacle in your path will be consumed.

This is the kind of will power you must develop — the will power that will run the ocean dry if necessary in order to accomplish what is good. The greatest will should be used to meditate. The Lord wants us to discover our divine will and use it to find Him. Develop this God-seeking dynamic will. It is not profound words that will give you emancipation, but your own efforts through meditation.

On the YSS blog, you can read a story from Paramahansa Yogananda about how he used the power of divine initiative when his guru told him that in this life he would need to be a teacher of wisdom. Paramahansaji’s personal account is truly inspiring, as is his advice included in this post on what attitudes you can embrace to become victorious in your own pursuits — at this or any other time.

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