2022 Christmas Message From Swami Chidananda Giri

December 16, 2022

Dear One,

Joyous Christmas greetings to you, with divine friendship and love from the ashrams of Paramahansa Yogananda! May your life be freshly illumined by his soul-awakening revelation of the true meaning of Christmas — the birth within you of the Christ [Kutastha] Consciousness, which was incarnate in Lord Jesus and is ever shining in all creation as infinite love and divine harmony.

Jesus came on earth to set an example of truth, purity, and holiness — not as abstract ideals but as a powerful evolutionary force that can hasten the universal harmony intended for the human family. In our times, when godlessness and adharma seem all too enabled by human heedlessness of the sacred and divine, let us actively mobilize the realization that within our own immortal souls are all the godly qualities that Jesus possessed. The healing peace and all-encompassing love he so perfectly manifested; his intuitional wisdom and indomitable faith, daily renewed by meditative communion and constant oneness with the Eternal Father — these radiant sources of light and strength are also to be found in the silent depths of your own being, waiting only for you to set them aglow by willingness and spiritual enthusiasm.

It takes courage to live as did Christ and all the Great Ones — expressing unconditional love for all, servicefulness and forgiveness, one-pointed loyalty and devotion to God — and yet to live that way bestows all-fulfilling joy and awareness of our own unconquerable sacred essence. Each time we strive to give understanding and heartfelt compassion to others, each time we reach out with any of the divine qualities that represent the best within us, we are truly celebrating the spirit of Christmas: Christ Consciousness is being born within us.

At Christmastime, divine grace and special vibrations of Christ-love emanate from the higher realms, permeating the consciousness of all who are receptive. This heavenly outpouring enables us to meditate more deeply, offering our soul’s love and devotion with ever-greater resolve at the feet of God and Christ. As you enjoy with loved ones the festive outer activities of this Christmas season, and also observe the inner celebration of Jesus’ birth in deep meditation, may you feel the whispers of Christ Consciousness ever reminding you of your blessed oneness with Spirit, bringing “joy to the world” and to your own home and family.

Unceasing blessings in God, Christ, and Gurus,

Swami Chidananda Giri

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