“Creating a Sacred Inner Environment of Peace” — Guided Affirmation With Swami Chidananda Giri

Paramahansa Yogananda said, “Practising affirmations is an excellent meditation exercise. An affirmation is the statement of a truth that you wish to realize and manifest in your life.”

Join Swami Chidanandaji, president and spiritual head of YSS/SRF, in this video excerpt from the 2020 Convocation, as he guides an experience of opening our hearts to receive the depths of wisdom, love, and joy manifesting during the special week of Convocation — or at any time we put ourselves in tune with the Divine.

“Feel peace; feel the joyous expectancy in the heart, that joyous anticipation,” Swami Chidanandaji extols us, before leading us in practising a short but powerful affirmation to help prepare ourselves to experience Convocation’s “ocean of spiritual consciousness.”

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Paramahansaji said: “An affirmation should be repeated aloud (but not loudly) or mentally several times in succession during meditation, as well as several times during the day, with deep concentration and faith in its materialization, until it manifests as a reality in your life.”

In the days leading up to this year’s Convocation — or whenever you wish — you can practise this affirmation to make yourself receptive, and attune your consciousness with the divine peace emanating from your soul:

“I relax and cast aside all mental burdens, allowing God to express through me His perfect love, peace, and wisdom.”

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